Wake Up & Be Wealthy Podcast

456. Are You Ready For A Quick Exercise To Clearly Get To Your Happiest, Healthiest, and Wealthiest Self


On this episode, Nellie shares an exercise aimed at achieving one's happiest, healthiest, and wealthiest self. Participants are instructed to list their desires on the left side of a paper and practical steps on the right. She emphasizes the importance of dreaming big and balancing practical tasks with energetic visualization. She highlights the concept of a "domino effect," where focusing on one major goal can lead to the achievement of others. Nellie also stresses the value of accountability and encourages participants to seek external support. The exercise is sponsored by Kristen Rourke from Busy Mom Bod, who is praised for her success and support.

We will touch on:

  • Exercise Introduction and Purpose
  • Setting Up the Exercise
  • Dreaming and Visualization
  • Fusing Dreaming with Practicality
  • Identifying the Domino Effect
  • Accountability and Support
  • Practical Steps and Implementation
  • Conclusion and Encouragement

Let's Take Some Action:

  • Identify your desires and dreams.
  • For each desire/dream, list the one-time tasks and recurring tasks needed to achieve it.
  • Determine the "domino" or the key area to focus on that will help achieve the other goals.

This episode is sponsored by Kristen Rourke with Busy Mom Bod. Check her out on social media and her amazing programs!!
Busy Mom Bod: https://stan.store/busymombod


I am so excited for you, because I just did this exercise, and it intuitively came to me when I was cleaning the house, and then I was like, I've got to talk about this. That is how I built my whole business is just literally sharing, sharing, sharing, sharing, and it's so valuable to share because, like, if you want to build a heart centered business, sharing, I think, is a core way to do that. Like, it's a core value of mine. Like, products, programs, ideas, whether you pay for them or not. Like, I want to share and share and share. So I was cleaning, and I was like, Oh my gosh, I need to do this exercise. And then I'm like, of course, I'm going to share it with the world. Because why would I not? And that's my purpose here. So give me hashtag live, hashtag replay. We're going to get right into it. So grab a pen and paper, and I'm so excited for you. I will be as quick and concise as possible as always. If you have any questions about what I talk about, I always want to make sure what I talk about makes sense to your brain, and so please never hesitate to send me a DM and just say, Hey, could you explain this more? Or, you know, I'm I'm having a hard time doing the exercise like I am a teacher at my core, and so like, raise your hand. Let me know that you need help, and I'm happy to help. So this episode is sponsored by Kristen Roark, with busy mom bod. She's got so many things in the pipeline. I am seeing her blossom and explode, and it makes my heart so happy. She's been an amazing client. She is, she is an amazing sponsor, and most importantly, she is an amazing friend and just fellow peer and all the things So Kristin, thank you so much for sponsoring this very important episode. I feel like all the episodes that you sponsor are so important, and I couldn't do it without you. Wouldn't want to do it without you. So check out Kristen with busy mom bod. She's got squat challenges. You can work with her one on one. She's got on demand programs, so many other things in the pipeline for you. Her email list is amazing. So go say hi to Kristen, let her know that I sent you. And we're going to get right into this. So on your piece of paper, you're going to want the left side, which is over here, you're going to want the left side to be desires and dreams, and then I'll explain what the right side is going to be again. This came to me today and gave me so much dopamine, and I think it's going to really support you. So let's get right into it. This, hopefully, hopefully, fingers crossed. Is the easy side, okay, this may be the more challenging side. So again, pop into my DMs if you need some help. But my goal with this exercise is you see where the gaps are and when we can close the gaps, then you can speed up the timeline of when you actually feel your happiest, healthiest, wealthiest self. I equally feel like it is a journey, not a destination. So just keep that in mind, too. But my my goal for you is to really think about all your dreams, all your desires, that if I could wave a magic wand and you could literally, literally be your most, happiest, healthiest, wealthiest self, more than you ever have before, like we're talking about, there's no limits. Tell me what you want, right? Tell me who you want to be. Tell me how you want to feel. So I'm hoping that the left side is very easy, right? Dream big. There's no such thing as too big. Get as specific as you possibly can too. And think about all the things and just allow yourself to see what shows up. Right? There's no rhyme or reason. There's no right or wrong. I think it can be really beautiful to, like, sit down with a pen and paper and just stare at the stare at the paper and just start writing. Just start writing it. Maybe some of it doesn't even make sense to you in the moment, but if it's a dream house, right? Dream House, if it's living in California, write California down if it is paying off debt, right? Paying off debt, what? So whatever comes to mind, it doesn't need it doesn't need to make sense. It doesn't need to be full sentences like just write it down. You can all. To, like, sit with the journal prompt and then come back right, like, I've gone for walks and drives and just allowed it to, like, marinate, is what I like to say. Just like a good like, a good steak. Um, so write as many things down here as possible. Um, like, I've been really, like, marinating on, you know, just the next few years of our life, there's obviously, there's lots I can't predict, but when you're in a dream state, it's really important to say, Okay, what is best case scenario, like, what ideally, what I love to accomplish? What would I love to feel? Um, I've been cleaning up our house like I'm just craving that. Like, you know, Next Level organization. That's like, one of the big things on my on my journal prompt list, and I was reading through a journal that I wrote about six months ago, and it was just really cool to see my thoughts then my like, my dreams, my desires. And it's just, it's just cool to see how much you can evolve, how quickly too, and how much your like heart knows, and so I just want you to, like, trust yourself and play with the dreams and the desires and allow it to if it doesn't make sense, just allow it like, if Paris keeps coming up, right Paris, if you know a big business idea comes up, and you're like, This is not at all what I'm doing right now. Like, why am I writing this down? It's like, I want you to feel comfortable just dreaming, right? It is free to dream. So write as many things down as you can. I want you to think of the categories of your happiest, healthiest and wealthiest self, right? So what would it look like to be your happiest self? What would it look like to be your healthiest self? What would it look like to be your wealthiest self? So those could be like three really good holistic buckets for you to really think about and and just start brainstorming. It's just start writing things down. Once you do this, most likely you'll open up Pandora's box and you'll think of more things, which is good. So you can totally come back to this. The part of the exercise that I really want to show you is how it's actually going to happen. As much as I love vision boards, they're they're very, very powerful. As much as I love vision boards, as much as I love journaling, though, again, all of those things are very like subconscious visualization. There's lots of studies that show that that is very powerful. So I'm not dissing that, but your brain, your brain loves practicality. It loves like knowing how to do something. That's why we love a to do list. Right? Your brain wants to know what's on my to do list. What am I supposed to do? Where am I so supposed to go, right? And so this is going to fuse Drum roll, please. This is going to fuse the fun dreaming, the Woo, woo, with the work. So over here is going to be more your woo, woo. Okay, we're dreaming. Anything is possible. Like, I'm not making fun of this, but I'm just trying to, like, be fun and silly with you. So this is, like, the more woo, woo. Like, click your heels, and we're going to manifest it, and it's going to, it's going to just poop and be easy and and happen, right? And so again, your brain is going to be like, yeah, right. Girlfriend, like, we're literally like, your brain's going to go in immediate, like, Negative Nelly mode. It's going to be like, girlfriend, we're struggling with this. We're struggling with that. You can't, you can't maintain a to do list, like you failed at so many businesses. Why do you think you can you know, again, it'll just go, like, full on negativity, not even always negativity, but it's going to go to the practical stuff. So this is why I love, like, literally creating the Woo, woo, with the practicality, with the work, and allowing them to be best friends, because this, like when we have best friends, like life is better than doing it alone, right? And so it is important to get yourself in that energetic visualization, like manifestation type of energy, for sure, but then your brain is going to pull you back down to reality. Reality, and this is what's going to help you create the reality that you want. Okay, so let's talk about that. That's where I want to spend the most time. Okay, this is something I've been teaching for seven plus years. So there's going to be a one time task, and then there's going to be a reoccurring task, aka habits. Okay, so reoccurring task, okay, so here's the cool part, okay, so let's say, over on the left side, you said lose 20 pounds. Okay, you would love to lose 20 pounds and gain like muscle, like maybe you want to be super strong gain muscle, okay, um, that is not how you spell muscle. Okay, there's a C in there somewhere. Maybe you want to pay off all your debt. Maybe you want to move into your dream home, start XYZ business. So So most likely, every everything that you put on your dreams and desires list is 1,000% possible, right? Everything requires your energy and your effort, but at the end of the day, it is truly possible, like the odds are stacked in your favor when you put in the energy and effort, right? So the practical, the practical side that I want you to have a fun, have fun with, is you're going to then, for every dream or desire, you're going to draw a line, okay, and you're going to start brain dumping. What are the one time tasks to make that become a reality? What are their reoccurring tasks to make that become a reality? AKA, reoccurring tasks are habits, right? Things that you're doing on a consistent, daily, weekly type of schedule, okay? And then from there, okay, when you get a lot of all of this flushed out, I want you to look at all of your dreams, all of your desires, and look for the one that you're like, Man, this is the one that's going to give me that, like, big push, right? Like, like, I like to think about this is, like the Domino, it's gonna knock all the other dominoes down. So for me, mine is get organized. Like, I just feel like it's been a whirlwind of seven years, to be quite honest, like I we were joking one day because we had a house cleaner before kids, and she came twice a month, and it pretty, pretty much, stayed fairly clean, you know, between those two months or two months, those two weeks, like, I would say, like, you know, just looking back, I'm like, especially now comparing it, I'm like, our house stayed so clean, right? And so why did I bring that up to you? Oh, because it's just been a crazy seven years, like, and there's no like, it's not excuses, it's just life. I've been on this, like, minimalist journey, and so I've purged a lot, but there's still, like, some organization that, like, I desire, like, I have very high standards for myself, and I'm not at those high standards. And instead of apologizing for those high standards, I'm just really, really realizing that I do desire to be at those high standards for myself, and I don't want to do it with shame. I don't want to do it because I should do it like I'm like, when I did this exercise that I and I literally did this exercise, probably, like 30 minutes ago, I really, I circled like she is organized. My happiest, healthiest, wealthiest self is fucking organized more than like anyone she knows, like she is the queen of organization, because I know I'm capable of that, and I know that it literally creates everything else I desire, like everything on my list is yielding that, like pinnacle of organization, and I'm excited about it, and that's what I desire for you. Okay, so as you're brainstorming your one time task, your reoccurring task for each and every desire, each and every desire, you're going to really sit with all of this and be like, what is that number one domino that when I zero in on this one all. The other ones are going to start to happen like you'll still put energy and effort into the other ones, but a lot of times, there's something very clear on the list that is really going to help you. And if it's not on the list, that idea will probably help you. Think about, okay, what? What's missing, right? And again, if you're struggling with this part of the exercise, you know, please don't hesitate to pop into my DMs and let me know. Okay, have like, this is my sweet spot. Like, this is what I'm really, really good at. Um, so like, let's say for the losing 20 pounds that you desire, you decided that that was your number one, that that's your Domino, right? And so what are some one time tasks? Maybe you need new shoes, okay, maybe you need a cute water bottle, okay, water bottle. Maybe you want to buy some supplements. Okay, so these are just one time tasks. Maybe you want to join the gym because you've tried working out at home and it just doesn't work for you. Maybe for you, you want to get like, a Fitbit. Okay, so buy Fitbit because you want to track your steps. Okay, so I'm trying to, like, give you an example of one, okay, so that those would be the one time tasks. Most people have an easier time doing the one time task, right? Like, buy the shoes, join the gym, right? Because it's quick, and it's one time most humans struggle with the consistency of going to the gym, the consistency of drinking the water, the consistency of what else is on here, of getting the 10,000 steps in that and that's really easy for me to talk about, because it takes commitment to get 10,000 steps a day. Like, I did not even, like, fully realize that when I, like, committed on July 1, I was like, Yeah, I'm gonna do this. And then, like, when I say I'm gonna do something, I really strive to, like, I'm gonna fucking do it, and so I've been doing it, but it has. I have learned a lot about myself in this 10,000 a day step challenge. Okay, so the one time task will give you lots of dopamine. It will give you lots of momentum. Enjoy that. But let's be real here, because we're friends, most people struggle with the reoccurring so what we need? Okay, instead of pretending that this time is going to be different, I love you. This is like your friend talking, okay, it would have already been different, and you would have already seen the result that you wanted. If you didn't need accountability. Okay, so there are things in your life that you do do, that you do do on a reoccurring basis, and you don't need accountability. Those things come natural to you. They come easy to you. Maybe they don't always come easy to you, but you have enough um oomph to be able to do them, but the things that are on this list that you desire that you don't already have yet and you're not you're not already on your way to them, more than likely, you you you could benefit from some accountability. It will make it so much less painful to have accountability truly. I love having a team because they are, like, in a lot of ways, my accountability buddies. We have a bi weekly meeting. We chat every day like, it is huge accountability. Like, that's one layer of accountability. And even if you are doing well with something, it doesn't hurt to have extra accountability. So when it comes to the reoccurring task and especially the thing that you circle, I want you to enroll some accountability, whether it's me or another mentor or a friend or a significant other, or your kids or a peer like, the more accountability, the better, and don't take the I don't want to say, don't take the easy way out, but set your Set yourself up for success. So if, if your kids are your accountability buddies, but then they're going to get distracted with doing their own thing, then you're not giving yourself the accountability from the beginning that you really needed want, right? So they can be cheerleaders, right? Like I love my significant other to. Be my cheerleader. I don't really want him to be my accountability buddy. There, there will. There's days where I'm like, Hey, I'm doing this thing, and I'm letting you know that I'm doing this thing to hold me accountable. Like, so I'll do that every now and then. But when it comes to like, the the deep, the deep stuff in my business, I typically enroll outside accountability, and that's just more so, just a personal choice. He would be an amazing accountability buddy, but I love him as my significant other, right? Like, I want to be able to escape from everything and enjoy time, like, as a couple, versus, like, him being my coach or buddy or mentor, you know, like, it just starts to take on that type of energy. So the thing that you circle, so if it was this, then I would get a health and fitness coach, a nutritionist, like someone that you're going to be able to talk to on a daily, weekly basis. You will literally collapse years. I'm not even joking, you will, you will collapse years, years and years and years and years. Like, for mine, of getting organized, I already have ideas of, like, I'm going to run some free challenge groups around organization, because it's going to hold me accountable. Like, hey friends who wants to do like, a week long, let's clean our closets out, right? Like different like specific things, and just help each other, because I know that that will really support me. I've also thought about just like, saying, like, Hey, I've got this much money. Who wants to help me? Like, come and organize my house, like I can do it on my own. I do enjoy organization. That's that's the hardest part for me, is I do enjoy these things, but when you have two tornadoes, like, you know, like, if you're a mom, you know, having two tornadoes, it feels at times, almost impossible to stay organized. Like, especially when they're both home all day, all like, all week, right, during summer, like, it's even harder, because there's, you're, you're constantly cleaning up and trying to stay organized, but yet, you know, things keep getting not organized, right? They keep getting messed up all the things. So when I really circled that and realize that I'm like, I need to put more accountability into this. I need to put more resources into this. I need to ask for more help around this. Like, this exercise helped me right. Like, what I share with you, I don't just share to take up time. Like, it's valuable information that I just hope one person resonates with and they do something with it, because that's the most important part of all of this, is we've got to do something with it. So organization is mine. I would love to know what yours is once you do this whole exercise, maybe it's health and fitness, maybe it's building your business. Maybe for you, it's like just reconnecting with yourself. I think that that's a really, really big one as a mom that, honestly, that was mine last year. It was like, who am I? Right? Like, I am so tired. I just had baby number two. Like, I needed to really, just like, sort everything out, get all the other opinions and voices out of my head, and I just needed to be with myself in a lot of ways. And then that is not always fun and comfortable, but I found ways to make it fun and comfortable and continue to do so. So that was probably my biggest one, like the one that my domino from last year is like just reconnecting with me. So I'm super excited for you to do this. You'll start to think of additional ideas. That's awesome. That's beautiful. But the the big juiciness from this exercise is that number one domino, and then run, run, run, run, run with that number one domino, because then again, it will start to kick, like, literally knock down the other ones, and you'll really, really feel all the momentum to do all The other things. So like, let's say, like, you picked the the losing the weight, okay? So once you lose the weight, your comp, like, this is just the the example here, the Domino is happening, right? Like, you're you've enrolled accountability. You have support. You did all the one time tasks that you said you were going to do. The the reoccurring tasks are just like so dialed in, like you don't even have to think about them too hard, right? Like they're just a part of your day. And then from there, maybe you start to have your confidence explode, and then you start a business, or you grow your. Business like, and your business explodes, and then you're able to pay off all of your debt. You're able to move into your dream home, like this is what I'm talking about when it comes to like, the domino effect, because all these other ones that you desire on here and more start to just literally, like, boop, boop, boop, boop, right? Like, they just start to happen. Like, think if you had an infinite amount of money right now, it could probably solve a lot of your challenges. Money isn't everything, but once we can create the domino effect, it just starts going like this. Like popcorn. It just starts going so fast. But typically, most people are at a plateau with money for lots of reasons. And so when we can get organized, lose the weight, right, reconnect with ourselves. Like, typically, there is something stopping you from the the money Domino. Like, if you were to really think about the the second Domino, okay, the second domino in the line of all the dominoes I'm doing, like, a little drawing for you right now, I can't help myself. Okay, so most people are like, I want to make more money. I want to make more money. Tell me how to make more money, right? Like, what's not a scam, like, tell me how to do it. Tell me how to make it fast, right? And I get it. I get it. I get it. So they're focusing on the money Domino, but then they're so frustrated because all the other dominoes that they desire are not knocking down, and it's driving then crazy, and I get it okay. So that's why this exercise is so powerful, because more than likely, there's at least one domino in front of the money Domino. There may be like me, a few years ago, honestly, there was probably like three or four dominoes in front of the money, the money Domino. So when you can really start focusing here, okay, like X marks the spot you are here, the money is important, don't get me wrong, but you like the definition of insanity like this is not knocking down. It would have already knocked down, if that was the solution. So money is the.in the line of dominoes, okay, but there's most likely a few other dominoes that when you pour more time and energy and effort into those, everything else will happen, and it will happen so fast, so fast that your head spins, okay? And you don't need to know it all to start doing right? You just need to know enough, enough needs to be on your paper that you start moving the train. Okay? So don't worry about having every single thing figured out, or every single reoccurring task on here, like just start use what you have, use the energy that you have. And the most important, powerful part about all of this is you'll start to regulate yourself around what this feels like to be your happiest, healthiest self, and you'll start to normalize it for you that it it won't feel so scary, and you won't self sabotage as much, and that's how you keep it, that's how you sustain it. And more on that later. I have lots that I want to talk to you about that, but I think that this is enough for you to run with. Let me know what you circled, what your next step is, how I can help. I love you so much. Let's see if I do it. If it works. When you make a heart on Facebook Live, sometimes it'll give you like a really cool there it is, yay. I love you. I saw somebody else do that, and I was like, That was so cool. See if it does it. I was trying to get you more hearts. I guess you'll just have to give me hearts now. Okay, I love you so much. I'll see you next time. Thank you again. Kristen for sponsoring this episode. You.